What we are working on

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What We Are Working On


Man buying goods in grocery section

Behaviour change for adoption of a healthy and sustainable diet

The Global Food Security programme aims to better understand how behaviour could be changed to support improved outcomes for health and sustainability, exploring the determinants of dietary choices, the win-wins and trade-offs across health and sustainability, and the mix of interventions required for change across government, business and civil society.


Flooded pumpkin patch

Climatic shocks and food system resilience

The Global Food Security programme aims to understand how increasingly severe extreme weather events and environmental tipping points have the potential to impact on the global food system, as well as identify approaches to prevent and mitigate these impacts.


Field at sunset

Connected food policy

The Global Food Security programme aims to generate evidence and support for collaborative decision-making mechanisms that would facilitate greater coordination and collaboration in national and international policy-making on food-related issues.


Agricultural crops

GFS Policy Lab on multi-functional landscapes

The GFS programme aims to understand how food provision and other ecosystem services can be delivered simultaneously on multi-functional landscapes, in the context of social and economic factors. This Policy Lab aims to understand the current state of knowledge on multi-functional landscapes in the UK, synthesise the latest evidence and develop a set of recommendations to inform future UK agricultural policy.


GFS Policy Lab on Reducing Food Loss and Waste

The GFS programme aims to better understand how to reduce food loss and waste throughout the food system, in the context of reducing emissions and contributing to net zero food system goals. This Policy Lab aims to understand the causes and current efforts to reduce food loss and waste throughout the food system in the UK, synthesise the latest research in this area, and develop a set of recommendations to further reduce food loss and waste across the food system.


GFS Strategy Refresh

The Global Food Security programme is updating and refreshing its strategy to reflect the changed landscape of the food and research systems. The new GFS strategy will draw on expertise from the Strategy Advisory Board, the Programme Coordination Group and the Science Advisory Group.


Soybean and corn crops

International Sustainable Temperate Agriculture Network (TempAg)

TempAg is a global research collaboration network established to increase the impact of agricultural research and inform policy making in the world’s temperate regions. Through its activities, TempAg enables policy makers, funding bodies, scientists, and other decision makers, to align national and transnational research agendas to allow innovations and policy interventions for sustainable agriculture in temperate zones.


Speak Up for Food Security

The Global Food Security programme’s annual research storytelling competition that challenges early career researchers to not only inform food system change, but to inspire it.


gut bacteria

The gut microbiome and its impact on health

The Global Food Security programme aims to better understand how the human gut microbiome is composed and influenced, using this insight to explore how it might be harnessed to support improved health outcomes, such as healthy weight and good nutrition.


Corn field

The role of the UK food system in meeting global agreements

The Global Food Security programme aims to understand what a future food system might look like that tackles climate change whilst also improving nutrition, exploring interventions in the food system that would help meet the Paris Climate Agreement and deliver against the SDGs.