From Field to Fork exhibition
This educational resource was originally produced as part of a public exhibition, providing an overview of the food security challenge and how scientific research is being used to help address the issues.

From Field to Fork
This educational resource was originally produced as part of a public exhibition, providing an overview of the food security challenge and how scientific research is being used to help address the issues.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)
Food security activities
Activities at home

From Field to Fork: Food, Farming and the Environment
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. Crop disease can damage food production and leave people hungry. Explore your garden, a nearby park or school playing field to identify healthy and diseased plants.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

From Field to Fork: Getting hold of food?
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. Not all the food we eat is produced in the UK, with a great deal of it being imported from countries across the world. Find out how far your food has travelled using the internet.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

From Field to Fork: Healthy food
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. How can the structure of food make it healthier and tastier? Scientists are working to understand the mechanisms that control the viscosity and texture of emulsions, so that fat content of food can be reduced while maintaining the taste.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

From Field to Fork: Producing Food
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. Scientists are developing new crop varieties that have higher yields, helping farmers to produce more from the same area of land. Carry out an experiment to find out which is the best new wheat variety to grow with which fertiliser.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

From Field to Fork: Recycling food waste
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. There are a number of different uses for food waste that could prevent reusable material from going to landfill. Explore which types of waste can be put to good use by designing the perfect compost composition.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

From Field to Fork: Safe food
This educational resource outlines food security activities you can try out at home. Different methods of preserving food can prevent bacterial growth and keep food safe to eat for longer. Carry out your own experiment with food preservatives to find out which ones work the best.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)
Activities at school

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! – Science Debate Kit: Food Security
This educational resource outlines food security activities for use in schools. This debate kit encourages students to evaluate some of the issues surrounding global food security and consider the ethical implications of food production.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)
Public panel stimulus material

Food Futures Panel: Sustainable intensification presentations
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This document details the stimulus presentation given at the sustainable intensification workshop.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Food systems presentations
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This document details the stimulus presentation given at the food systems workshop.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Food innovation presentations
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This document details the stimulus presentation given at the food innovation workshop.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Urban agriculture case studies – which do you think will make the biggest difference to global food security?
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This document details stimulus material for the urban agriculture dialogue.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Forum part 1 – What are the main challenges for food security?
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This document details stimulus material for the food systems dialogue.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)