The Global Food Security (GFS) programme’s Food Futures Panel has published 10 reports on its activity so far.
The reports cover individual panel discussions, such as on food systems and understanding consumer priorities for food innovation, to a final evaluation of the panel itself.
Read the GFS blog post ‘Introducing the Global Food Security programme’s Public Panel’ for an easily digestible guide to the panel’s establishment and work.
The Food Futures Panel is a novel project that was created to provide the GFS Programme and its individual partners with a short term (one year in the first instance, from April 2015 to Mach 2016), agile and flexible mechanism for exploring food security related topics with members of the public. The project was commissioned by BBSRC on behalf of GFS and secured support from Sciencewise.
The Food Futures panel was a closed panel, composed of a diverse membership of approximately 600 members recruited from across six UK locations (Belfast, Cardiff, Dundee, Harrogate, London and Plymouth) according to a sampling strategy.
The reports from the project are available to read below:

Food Futures Panel: Final evaluation report
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This panel evaluation report provides an evidence based external perspective on the design, delivery, impact and credibility of the panel.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Evaluation and Impact Review – Executive Summary
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report provides a summary of an external evaluation of the panel process.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Overview report – A guide to the GFS Food Futures panel outputs
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report provides an overview of the entire public panel project.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Global Food Security Baseline Survey
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details results of the baseline survey, run at the start of the panel process to benchmark panel attitudes, opinions and understandings of global food security.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Food Systems Project
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details findings from the food systems project, exploring public understanding the food system as a complex and interconnected set of actors and actions.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Urban Agriculture Project
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details findings from the urban agriculture dialogue, exploring issues associated with food production and supply for a growing urban population.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Buying British
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details findings of the buying British dialogue, exploring the cultural, attitudinal and behavioural issues involved with buying British food.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Trade-offs in future food systems – consumer perspectives
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details findings from the sustainable intensification dialogue, outlining panel discussions on the benefits and trade-offs of sustainable intensification as an approach to agriculture.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Understanding consumer priorities for food innovation
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details findings of the food innovation dialogue, highlighting consumer perspectives on research and development across the food chain.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)

Food Futures Panel: Global Food Security Endline Survey
The GFS programme commissioned a panel of 600 members of the public to take part in engagement activities, exploring different aspects of food security research. This report details results of the endline survey, exploring how opinions and understandings of global food security may have changed during the panel process.
(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)