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Is the UK ready for plant-based diets?

The 2019 Policy Lab winners present their new report which identifies the potential impacts of the emerging trend of plant-based diets on the UK food system. Here the team give a ‘behind the scenes’ to their process of writing a Think Piece, how they successfully engaged with stakeholders, and why now is the opportune time to be discussing plant-based diets.

Flooded pumpkin patch

Ensuring future food security in the face of climate change

The risk of extreme weather hitting several major food producing regions of the world at the same time could triple by 2040. This was the major finding from a GFS report on extreme weather and the food system, which was presented at the AAAS meeting and at the US Senate.

Green soybean plants close-up

CRISPR-Cas9: a role in food security?

CRISPR-Cas9 technology provides an extremely precise and powerful tool for modifying genomes with countless potential applications, many of which are in agriculture. The University of Warwick’s Jessica Finch considers what this might mean for food security.