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Peering into a food dumpster

Galvanising action to address food waste

A GFS report on ‘Food Waste within Global Systems’ reached over 22 million people through radio, newsprint, social media, and TV. UK households throw away the equivalent of 24 meals a month, adding up to 4.2 million tonnes of food and drink every year that could have been consumed, at an annual cost of £720 per household.

Global Food Security programme

The UK’s main public funders of food-related research are working together through the Global Food Security programme to meet the challenge of providing the world’s growing population with access to safe, affordable and nutritious food, all of the time and in ways the planet can sustain into the future.

Fruit and vegetable stall

Setting the EU’s food security research agenda

GFS has played a leading role in discussions around the EU’s food security research priorities through the Expo event: Feeding the Planet, Energy for life. GFS led on the ‘EU research and global food and nutrition security’ discussion paper as part of an EU Scientific Steering Committee. This paper served as the basis for dialogue on food security research priorities with stakeholders at the Expo event.

Nutrition facts

New report on the challenges of carbon labelling of food products

A new report explores how UK stakeholders and consumers perceive consumer-facing information that shows the carbon footprint of high-protein food products. The study was funded by the Global Food Security programme as part of the Policy Lab, in which post-doctoral researchers compete to write a report for the programme.

Research programmes

As a coordinator and facilitator of scientific research, with the aim of providing strong scientific evidence and influencing policy and practice, GFS identifies and convenes stakeholders and partners to develop multi-year research programmes

In praise of the humble pollinator

For National Insect Week, Dr Tom Breeze from Modelling Landscapes for Resilient Pollination Services in the UK project, part of our Food Systems Resilience Programme, shares how bees are vital to global food security.

About us

The Global Food Security (GFS) programme brings together the UK’s main public funders of food-related research and training. The programme aims to help meet the challenge of providing the world’s growing population with a sustainable and secure supply of safe, nutritious and affordable high quality food.