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Bananas at a crossroads

Bananas, the UK’s favourite fruit, appear at first glance to be among our most reliable and resilient fresh produce. They are stocked in every supermarket on every day of the year, and their price seldom varies by more than a few pence per kilo.

Insect farms could recover the true value of wasted organic nutrients, improve local food security and assist in environmental protection, says Keiran Olivares Whitaker of Entocycle.

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Science Advisory Group workshop report published

The Global Food Security programme has published a new horizon scanning report based on the last Science Advisory Group meeting. It highlights the latest contextual developments and research advances relevant to the food system to provide a list of top priority research questions.

GFS Strategy Refresh

The Global Food Security programme is updating and refreshing its strategy to reflect the changed landscape of the food and research systems. The new GFS strategy will draw on expertise from the Strategy Advisory Board, the Programme Coordination Group and the Science Advisory Group.

Photo by Lou Liebau on Unsplash

Determinants of food choice for a healthy and sustainable diet

GFS will host an ECR Policy Lab on 19-21 March 2018, which will synthesise the latest knowledge and evidence in this area to better understand what determines food choice and to describe the best combination of interventions that would be most impactful in encouraging healthier and more sustainable diets. The winning team at the workshop will receive a £5,000 Policy Lab award to write a policy-facing report.

Transforming UK food systems launch workshops

GFS recently hosted two workshops to launch the new Strategic Priorities Funding call ‘Transforming the UK food system for healthy people and a healthy environment’. The workshops aimed to inform, inspire and to facilitate networking between stakeholders and academia from across the UK.