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Insight: Food price spikes and global food markets

Insight, issue three: Food price spikes and global food markets

GFS Insight aims to offer a balanced and interdisciplinary representation of the current state of knowledge in a particular area relating to food security. This issue explores the factors behind recent global food price spikes, and potential routes for improving food price stability.

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The role of the UK food system in meeting global agreements: potential scenarios

This scenarios report is based on the outputs of a cross-stakeholder scenarios exercise exploring the role of the UK food system in meeting global agreements. The four plausible food system scenarios highlight the potential opportunities, challenges and trade-offs that could arise during food system transformation, with the aim of stimulating thought and discussion about the future of the UK food system to inform long-term decision-making.

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Insight: Paris-compliant healthy food systems

Insight, issue six: Paris-compliant healthy food systems

GFS Insight aims to offer a balanced and interdisciplinary representation of the current state of knowledge in a particular area relating to food security. This issue outlines the need for a food system that supports both health and the Paris climate agreement, exploring impacts of food production and consumption as well as potential interventions to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions across the system.

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Global Food Security Strategic Plan

Global Food Security Strategic Plan

This document describes the GFS programme’s strategy, including its three programme themes and a number of interdisciplinary research priorities that would benefit from a food systems approach.

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Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Executive summary

Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Executive Summary

Environmental tipping points occur when a biophysical system shifts from one stable state to another, potentially bringing about changes in the provision of environmental goods and services. This report provides a summary of outcomes and recommendations from an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral working group considering potential impacts of tipping points within the food system.

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Low-agency population interventions to reduce meat consumption

This report explores how low-agency population interventions can reduce meat consumption across the UK population. It contains an umbrella review of 44 systematic reviews to synthesise all the available evidence for the effectiveness of low-agency population interventions at reducing meat selection, purchase, or consumption. A critical assessment of the evidence is used to discuss the wider insights gained and the implications for policy and practice.

This work was funded by the Global Food Security (GFS) programme as part of its Policy Lab, in which postdoctoral researchers compete to write a policy-facing report for the programme. (You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)