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Global food systems and UK food imports: Resilience, safety and security

Global Food Systems and UK Food Imports: Resilience, Safety and Security

This report details the outcomes of an ESRC Public Policy Seminar discussing the range of factors which affect the stability and resilience of food supply chains in the UK. It highlights how UK food security is inextricably linked to global supply and identifies a set of future research priorities important to ensure UK food imports can be fair, sustainable, resilient and safe.

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UK-China workshop: Extreme weather and global food system resilience

UK-China Workshop: Extreme weather and global food system resilience

GFS collaborated with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to hold the UK-China Workshop on extreme weather and global food system resilience. This workshop report provides an overview of how extreme weather might impact food production in China, how Chinese food policy and trade might affect the global market, and a number of shared future research priorities.

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Green soybean plants close-up

CRISPR-Cas9: a role in food security?

CRISPR-Cas9 technology provides an extremely precise and powerful tool for modifying genomes with countless potential applications, many of which are in agriculture. The University of Warwick’s Jessica Finch considers what this might mean for food security.