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Cover image for 'Food systems approaches to a sustainable future'

Food systems approaches to a sustainable future

This policy brief conveys five key messages for this year’s Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (COP24), based on the outputs of the Global Food Security programme’s Paris-compliant healthy food systems workshop. This document outlines why a food systems approach is required to meet the Paris Agreement and the wider Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to ensure future food security for a rapidly growing global population in the face of ongoing climate change.

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Food waste within global food systems

Food waste within global food systems

This report provides an independent assessment of the state of knowledge in the area of food waste, exploring waste-related issues in both developing and developed countries, with a particular focus on understanding where new approaches and new research may be instrumental in reducing waste.

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Cover image of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

The 17 SDGs were adopted by the UN in 2015 with the aim of driving the implementation of global sustainable development. This report details discussion at an industry focused workshop exploring how far UK food retail and manufacturing businesses are prepared for and engaged with the SDGs, and how research might help them play their part in meeting the goals.

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The challenge

Food security occurs when all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious food to meet their requirements for a healthy life, in ways the planet can sustain into the future. However, food security faces a number of challenges across both production and consumption which research will be essential to solve.

A tool in the toolkit: Can true cost accounting remove siloed thinking about food loss and waste?

This Think Piece explores the social, economic and environmental costs of food loss and waste. The report sets out policy recommendations to reduce the food that is wasted throughout the food system based around the principles of True Cost Accounting.

This work was funded by the Global Food Security (GFS) programme as part of the GFS Policy Lab, in which Early Career Researchers compete to write a policy-facing report for the programme.

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