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Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Executive summary

Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Executive Summary

Environmental tipping points occur when a biophysical system shifts from one stable state to another, potentially bringing about changes in the provision of environmental goods and services. This report provides a summary of outcomes and recommendations from an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral working group considering potential impacts of tipping points within the food system.

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Cover image of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

The 17 SDGs were adopted by the UN in 2015 with the aim of driving the implementation of global sustainable development. This report details discussion at an industry focused workshop exploring how far UK food retail and manufacturing businesses are prepared for and engaged with the SDGs, and how research might help them play their part in meeting the goals.

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A tool in the toolkit: Can true cost accounting remove siloed thinking about food loss and waste?

This Think Piece explores the social, economic and environmental costs of food loss and waste. The report sets out policy recommendations to reduce the food that is wasted throughout the food system based around the principles of True Cost Accounting.

This work was funded by the Global Food Security (GFS) programme as part of the GFS Policy Lab, in which Early Career Researchers compete to write a policy-facing report for the programme.

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Agriculture's impacts on water quality

Agriculture’s impacts on water quality

This sub-report details outcomes of an interdisciplinary working group, coordinated by GFS and the UK Water Partnership. Discussions focused on the routes by which high aspirations for environmental water quality could be balanced with significant growth in agricultural production, meeting food security and environmental objectives while providing viable livelihoods for farmers.

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Food security and you

Food and drinks manufacturing is the UK’s biggest industry and plays a major part in the health of the economy. And with the rising cost of food, the environmental impact of agriculture and the rising prevalence of obesity, awareness of food-related issues is almost certainly higher than it has been for decades.

Transforming UK Food Systems SPF Programme Joint Fellowship

The Transforming UK Food Systems SPF Programme is delighted to welcome new fellow, Dr Bethan Mead, to the programme. Supported by the Food Standards Agency at the University of Liverpool, the post will involve research into understanding consumer and stakeholder perception of urban grown food and alternative proteins, to inform safe adoption and best practice.

The principles of healthy and sustainable eating patterns

The principles of healthy and sustainable eating patterns

This report details outcomes and recommendations from three interdisciplinary and cross-sector working groups, considering principles of healthy and sustainable eating patterns, consumer behaviour, and sustainable consumption and growth. These working groups met as follow-on to the Green Food Project, 2012, that examined the challenges of simultaneously increasing food production and improving the environment.

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