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Rinderpest virus

Locking up a killer virus

The world has celebrated rinderpest virus eradication. But an FAO video shows there’s cleaning up to do after the party. Virologist Michael Baron explains.

Food waste within global food systems

Food waste within global food systems

This report provides an independent assessment of the state of knowledge in the area of food waste, exploring waste-related issues in both developing and developed countries, with a particular focus on understanding where new approaches and new research may be instrumental in reducing waste.

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Cover image of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UK food retail and manufacturing business

The 17 SDGs were adopted by the UN in 2015 with the aim of driving the implementation of global sustainable development. This report details discussion at an industry focused workshop exploring how far UK food retail and manufacturing businesses are prepared for and engaged with the SDGs, and how research might help them play their part in meeting the goals.

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Transformative innovation across food supply chains to improve decision-making

Transformative innovation across food supply chains to improve decision-making

This report investigates how transformative innovation can lead to ‘business unusual’ in food supply chains, bringing together academia, industry, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), non-government organisations (NGOs) and policy makers. It examines the challenges to industry and business that technologies could address, and has provided future priorities for research, industry, and policy.

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Nexus thinking for food security research

Nexus thinking for food security research

This workshop report identifies interdisciplinary research priorities and areas for cross-sector collaboration, in order to deliver efficient use of natural resources. It conceptualises the linkages between food, water, energy and land for future resource security and the interactions of these four areas, referred to as the ‘nexus’.

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